Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Hereby Resign from my Position as Governor

I have served for five years as Governor, and it is time for me to move on, America. I'm getting old. I have served the country for many years now, while I don't feel my task is quite complete, I worry that my age will get in the way of my service. So today, 1787, I am retiring from my place as Governor. Good night America, and God bless you.

A Conversation with George Washington

My close friend, George Washington, clearly stated his views on political parties. He stated that that political parties would mean the end of us. He worried that the two parties would do nothing but fight, and that politicians and Presidents running would use their campaign for there own personal bettering or to simply scream their own opinions than actually work to better the country.

I wholly agree-I doubt It will get much worse than it is now.

Elected Governor of Virgiania


It seems that my job changes frequently. But that does not mean I will take this job with any less responsibility than I took a seat in Congress, or became the Speaker of the House. Behold, Virginia, your new governer. Shall it be governed well, to the greatest of my ability.

Elected as Speaker of the House


I have been chosen to be Speaker of the house of Representatives. Attending William and Mary college has proven useful to my career. I am third in line from the President, and I therefore have a very important role. I will take this role very responsibly. You wanted to me serve you, America, and your wish shall be granted.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Retired my Seat at Congress

I wish to resume my private life as our freedom is being granted. I do not want to live out the stress of being a politician who has to negotiate every last decision in a time like this. Therefore, I am returning to my home in Virginia to live this time as peacefully as I can. God Bless America.

The Signing of The Declaration of Independence

August 2, 1776:

The day is here. We can no longer tolerate the tyranny forced upon us by Britain.
I stand before the one document that will change the lives of all Americans.
I stand before the Declaration of Independence. All this document asked was my signature, and I gladly signed it.
Elbridge Gerry, another signer, loomed over the Declaration.
"We have signed our death warrants. We will be hanged for this."
Observing my own weight, I muttered this back,
"I shall have all the advantage over you. It will all be over in a minute for me, but you will be kicking in the air half an hour after I am gone."*

America, freedom awaits at the other side.

* actual quote from Benjamin Harrison

Monday, September 28, 2009

Elected to Congress


I have made it as far as congress.I proved myself worthy of such a role, and I feel people are on my side when it comes to the policies I follow, or would not have made it this far. I thank all of you who helped me to get here, Thank You.

Our freedom is close at hand, and I intend to help us get there.